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Your Date of Birth and health problems

Writer's picture: Gitu MirpuriGitu Mirpuri

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

Numerology can help in detecting health issues and one can follow some remedies accordingly to get relief.

To find your ruling number, just add up the numbers of your date of birth.

Eg. If your birthday is on 23 December, add 2+3 = 5 - which means 5 is your ruling number.


Person with ruling number 1

Person with ruling number 1, ruled by the sun planet suffers from heat related problems , palpitation, high blood pressure, heart related problems, bones related diseases. Sometimes they get used to taking medicines. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 10, 19, 28, 37  and so on

Person with ruling number 2

Person with ruling number 2 , ruled by moon planet which is cold and water planet, makes them suffers from kapha related problems,vertigo, rheumatism, piles, tumour,eye and tooth diseases. Also disease connected to water/ fluid in the body that is puss, cyst, boils, water retention , water detention, cold, cough, etc. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 11, 20, 29, 38  and so on

Person with ruling number 3

People  with ruling number 3 , ruled by Jupiter planet , suffer from overweight, obesity, jaundice,liver, lungs, skin and joints problems , diabeties, paralysis. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 12, 21, 30, 39  and so on

Person with ruling number 4

People with ruling number 4, ruled by shadow planet Rahu, suffer from head related problems. As Rahu is the planet withour body only head , these people suffer from nervous breakdown, brian tumour, brain stroke,depression, anxiety , stress, insomnia, mental stress , suicidal tendencies .  Other health issues they get  like kidney trouble, constipation, urinary  problem, anemia,is only  because of stress,  They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 13, 22, 31, 40  and so on.

Person with ruling number 5

People with ruling number 5, ruled by mercury planet  suffer from communication, speech, memory, nostrils, hands and nerve related problem, ENT and skin realted issues. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 14, 23, 32, 41  and so on

Person with ruling number 6

People with ruling number 6 , ruled by Venus , suffer from  Urinary tract infection, Gynec problems and cancer. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 15, 24, 33, 42  and so on

Person with ruling number 7

People with ruling number 7, ruled by Ketu /Neptune , shadow planet,  suffer from  short tempereness, mental tensions, easily affected by an environment .  They are likely to meet with an accidents and multiple surgeries. Females with number 7 ruling they go through ceaserian childbirth. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 16, 25, 34, 43  and so on

Person with ruling number 8

People with ruling number 8 , ruled by the Saturn planet , suffer from  epilepsy, deafness,blood infection , leprosy, weakness, impotency ,and legs related problem. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 17, 26, 35, 44  and so on.

Person with ruling number 9

People with ruling number 9 , ruled by mars , suffer from accidents, major surgeris,  blood circulation,all types of sexual disease, fever, high blood pressure, nerves related problems. They should be very careful for their health in the age when they are 18, 27, 36, 45  and so on

For cure from health issues, use numbers complimentary to the number causing problems , condition is it should be your lucky number and perfoming remedies of the number causing health problems.

Eg: Number 2 ruling number , suffering from  Cold cough , can use 9 number as 9 is fire number and cold effect can be reduced by fire of 9 number, so wearing red socks, red towel, napking, bed sheets, clothes, purse, using alt lamp in the bed room, putting red colour on the south wall of your bedroom or living room can cure cold problem.

Some More Remedies to pacify moon planet:

  • Donating  milk, white things on Monday.

  • Taking Darshana of moon everyday

  • Using silver glass to drink water

  • Silver vessels to have food

  • Serving mother

  • Meditaions

  • Yoga


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