1.Vedic astrology 2 months Notes and cerificate
2.Dowsing 1 week Dowser , 123 charts , notes ,crtfct
3.Runes 1 week Runes SET, notes and certificate
4.Kp astrology 2 months notes and cerificate
5.Fairy therapy 1 week fairy cards, board, notes &certificate
6.Bach flower 2 weeks Notes and cerificate
7.Access bars 1 week ( in person one day manual & Certificate)
8.Self hypnotise 1 week Notes and cerificate
9.Karmic release 1 WEEK Notes and cerificate
10.Tarot card reading 2 WEEKS TAROT CARDS, Notes and certificate
11.Tarot spells 2 weeks TAROT CARDS, Notes and certificate
12.Graphology 2 weeks notes and cerificate
13.Reiki - 5 levels 4 weeks notes and cerificate
14.Crystal healing 2 weeks 50 crystals, notes an ceriticate
16.Magnified healing 2 day in person ( 7days) manual and certificate
17. Aroma therapy 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
18.Angel therapy 7 DAYS Angel board, dowser, angel cards, notes and Certificate
19. Vastu shastra 15 DAYS ONLINE NOtes and cerificate
20. Colour therapy 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
21. Candle therapy AnD MAGIK 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
22.Lam fera 1 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
23.Lama fera 2 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
24.Numerology 15 DAYS ONLINE NOtes and cerificate
25.Ramal vidya 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
26. Switch words and energy circles. 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
27.Mudra 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
28.Gem therapy 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
29.yog Maya 15 DAYS ONLINE NOtes and cerificate
30.Food as medicine 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
31.Healing with affirmations 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
32.CRYSTAL BALL SCRYING 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
33.Dreams interpretation 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
34. Lal kitab 2 months notes and cerificate
35 .Soulamte reiki- ALL LEVELS 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
36. Elemental reiki- ALL LEVELS 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
37. Shambala reiki- ALL LEVELS 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
38. Tiger reiki- ALL LEVELS 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
39. Money reiki- ALL LEVELS 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
40. Celtic reiki- ALL LEVELS 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
41.Seichim reiki 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
42.Dragon reiki 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
43. Gaja reiki 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
44. Budha Reiki 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
45.Violet flame reiki 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
46.Wagle reiki 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
47. Reading akashic records 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
48. Karmic release. 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
49. Vedic knots 2 DAYS ONLINE NOTes and cerificate
50. Making yantras 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
51. Zibu symbols 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
52. Moksha pattam 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
53. Shalvik mantra rahisha 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
54.Sigils 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
56. Inner child healing 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
57. Councilling 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
58. Aura scanning 2 DAYS ONLINE
59. Chakra healing 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
60. Chord cutting. 7 days online Notes and Cerificate
61. Nadi Sub Sub lord astrology 2 months notes and cerificate
62. Humkara with Haleem 7 days online notes , certifiactes and Kali charan Yantra
63. Dus Mahavidya 10 days online notes, certificate and 10 laminted matas photoes
64. Karmic astrology 7 days Online notes and cerificate
65. Occultism 30 days course notes , cerificate
66 Mediumship 30 days course notes and certificate
67.Psychic development 7 days notes and certificate
68.Mobile numerology 7 days notes and certificate
69.Zodiac reiki 3 days notes and certificate
70.30 ways to manifest 3 days notes and certificate
71.Law of attraction 7 days notes and certificate
72.Beauty enhancement workshop 3days notes and certificate
73.Hoodoo workshop 3 days notes and certificate
74.Fairy reiki workshop- 3 levels 3 days notes and certificate
75.Spray making workshop 1 day notes and certificate
76. Remedial workshop - num, astro, 1 day notes and certificate
77.Saint expedite workshop 1 day notes and certificate
78.Goddess Abundantia workshop 1 day notes and certiificate
79.Owl magic workshop 1 day notes and certificate
80.Ancient script workshop 2 days notes and ccertificate