In last 2 decades , lot of transformation has taken place in Vaastu consultancy. Introduction of many new tools in Vaastu consultancy has made it easy and competent . One such tool is Universal Aura Scanner. It has a set of 2 arms which you have to hold in your hands and ask questions. set of 108 samples are provided in the box along with metal object called mass. You can check answer for any question you have in your mind. UES can be useful for astrologers, dowsing specialist, energy healers, Vaastu consultant , tantra specialist, yoga teachers.
Beyond physical body there are many energy storers , they create the other bodies. Halo around the highly spiritual person , describes the spiritual energy of the person. We know every living being has a aura around the person. Universal energy scanner has ability to read the aura.
Other samples are provided that includes samples for fridge, tv, mirrors , important papers, lockers, water tap , Rudraksha checking, five elements, 7 chakras ,
MD- Muladhar- Root chakra
SW- Swadishthan- Sacral Chakra
SP- Solar Plexus - Manipur
FH- Heart - Ananhata
TH-Throat Chakra - Vishudha chakra
AJ= Ajna Chakra
CR-Crown Chakra
16 directions of vastu , 9 deities Kuber, yama, Indra, Varun, Ishanya, Nairutya, Agni, Vayu Devta , 9 palnets
Su- Sun
Mo- Moon
Ma- Mars- Mangal
Mer- Mercury
Jup- Jupiter
Ve- Venus
Sat- Saturn
Ra- Rahu
Ke- Ketu
and 16 directions
E- East
ESE- East South East
SE- South East
SSE-South South East
S- South
SSW- South South West
SW- South West
WSW- West South West
W- West
WNW- west North West
NW -North West
NNW- North North West
N- North
NNE-North North East
NE-North East
ENE= East North East
Water- Jal element
Air- Vayu Element
Fire- Agni Element
Earth - Earth Element
Space- Akash Element
etc .
Eg: If you wish to check if mirror is good for SE , it will say NO.
You want to know which Rudraksha is good for you ? 1 mukhi, 5 mukhi etc
You can check if the Vaastu has deficiency of any element in it.
Does this Vaastu has paranormal presence like ghost, spirits, black magic
Other things you can do with this instrument?
job success
child progeny possibility
Geospace - which is considered Cancer for the Vaastu
Visa chances
Chakras balancing
Colour suitability
Number suitability
Plot for particular person
Plot for particular purpose.
Matching kundli for marriage
Matching Kundli for partner.
Gems suitability
Black magic
infrared rays
- UV- Evil eye
-PY - Pischach yog
D- energy Disease energy
PD- Pitra dosh
KSD- kaal sarpa Dosh
9 planets in your horoscope.
GEO-Geopathic radiation
+VE= Postive Energy
BY-Bnadhan Yog
GM- Gandamool
KD- Kartik Dosh
MD- Manglik Dosh
DY- Divorce Yog
VY-Vayasan Yog
Child Y- Child yog
Cancer D- Cancer rog
FTY- Foreign Travel Yog
FS- Foreign Settlement
FSC- Foreign Settlement for career
FSM - Foreign Settlement for marriage
FS- Forein Travel for for studies
Job S- Job Success
Business S- Business Success
Love M- Love Marriage
A Marriage - Arrange marraige
M Marriage Yog- Multi marriage
Disease possibility Check if the person can get
liver problem
kidney problem
High B.P , Low B.P
How does it work?
Calibration of universal Energy scanner is a much better than other energy scanner instruments. when both the arms of scanner move away from each other its indicating YES. and when both the arms of scanner are moving towards each other or both move in the same direction either left or right, your aura scanner is indication No.
What type of questions you can ask?
Will xyz be my good friend?
Is This property good for me?
Will I crack the next interview.
Can it work distantly ?
Yes Mass with wire is provided ,that is attached to the scanner to check all the above mentioned points for a person who is not present there. you can write the name of the person on a chit and chit is placed under the mass and check all questions related to that person.
Can we check if paricular jewellery / stone is lucky for you?
Keep the thing , jewellery , stone on the metal disc and attach the disc to the scanner. Scanner will guide if the particular object is lucky for you.