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Shaktipeeth of Mata for fulfiling all desires


In Bharat , 52 shaktipeeths are very important for worshipping goddess and seek blessings. As per hindu epics , organs of goddess Sati fell in these places and it is believed that her presence is felt in each and every shaktippeth.

52 Shaktipeeths:

1) Hingulaj shaktipeeth , Goddess Bhairvi is worshipped , the upper part of head of goddess Sati had fallen here .

Place: Bilochisthan , Pakistan

2) Kiriteshwari shaktipeeth where goddess Bhuvneshwari is worshipped. Crown of Maa sati fell to this place

Place: Batnagar ,Hawda , West bengal

3) Nandipur shaktipeeth ,where Goddess Nandini and Bhairav is worshipped, Here the Goddess sits in the form of turtle shaped rock painted from vermillion . Goddess has silver crown and three Gold eyes. Necklace of Maa Sati fell to this place.

Place: Senthiye, Hawda, West Bengal.

4) Atthaas shaktipeeth where devi Fullara and kalabhairav is worshipped. Meaning of atta hasa is extreme loud laughter. Lips of Maa Sati fell to this place.

Place: Laabhpur Ahmadpur, West Bengal

5) Vakreshwar/Bakreshwar shaktipeeth ,where Mahishmardini and Bhairav bakranath is worshipped. Devis Eyebrows fell to this place.

Place: Andaal, hawda, West Bengal.

6) Nalhaati shaktipeeth where goddess Kaalika and Bhairva Yogesh is worshipped. Throat “ Nala” of Maa Sati fell to this place.

Place: Nalhaati , Hawda, West Bengal.

7) Bahula shaktipeeth , where Chandika/ Bahula devi is worshipped. Bhaula devi is with her sons Karthikey and Ganesha .Bahu in Sanskrit means arm. Bahula means lavish, prosperity that Goddess Brings. Maa Sati’s left arm fell to this place

Place: Satwa, West Bengal.

8) Tristrota shaktipeeth , where Bhramari devi and Lord Shiva as Ishwar is worshipped. Thumb of Maa Sati fell to this place.

Place: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.

9) Kaamgiri / Kamakhya shaktipeeth , where goddess Kamakhya is worshipped. Yoni ( Vagina) part of Maa Sati fell in kamakhya. Here females with periods are allowed to visit the temple.

Place: Guwahati, Assam.

10) Jayanti shaktipeeth , where devi Jayanti and Lod shiva called as Kramdishwar is worshipped. The left thigh of Maa Sati is said to have fallen here.

Place: Jayantiya ,Asaam.

11) Kaalipeeth , where Maa Kalika is worshipped. Toes of right foot of Maa sati fell to this place.

Place: Kolkata.

12) Vrindavan Shaktipeeth , where Maa Umadevi / Maa Katyani and Bhairav Bhutesh is worshipped. Hair and hair accessories choodamani of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Vrindavan, UP

13) Karveer Shaktipeeth , where Sunanda devi / Mahalaxmi is worshipped. Mata’s third eye, trinetra had fallen to this place.

Place: Kolhapur , Maharashtra

14) Sugandh shaktipeeth , where Sunanda Goddess is worshipped. Nose of Maa Sati had fallen to this place.

Place: Shikarpur, Barisal.

15) Kartoy shaktipeeth , bogda where Goddess Aparna devi is worshipped. Left hand of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Bhawanipur,

16) Shree Parwat shaktipeeth , where Goddess Shree Sundri is worshipped. Anklet, Payal of Maa sati had fallen here.

Place: Laddhakh.

17) Varanasi Shaktipeeth , where Vishalaakshi is worshipped. Throat of Maa Sati fell had fallen here.

Place: Kashi

Coordinates- Virgo and leo

18) Gandki shaktipeeth , where goddess Rakini ,Visweshwari is worshipped. Cheeks of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Raajmahendri.

19) Godawari tat Shaktipeeth where Gandki chandi devi and Chakrapani is worshipped. It is regarded as Shaktpeeth of Mata.

Place: Muktinaath, Nepal

20) Shuchi Shaktipeeth , where goddess Narayni and Sanhar is worshipped. Teeth , upper Jaw of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Suchitirtham , Kanyakumari

21) Panchsagar Shaktipeeth where goddess Varaahi and Maha Rudra is worshipped.Teeth Lower jaw of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Haridwar

22) Jwalamukhi shaktipeeth , where goddess Ambika is worshipped. Head of Maa Sati fell at this Shakti Peeth.Tongue of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Kangra.

23) Jansthaan shaktipeeth , where devi Bhramari is worshipped. Chin two parts had fallen here.

Place: Nasik.

24) Kashmir Shaktipeeth , where Mahamaya is worshipped. Throat of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Amarnath.

25) Shree shail shaktipeeth , where Mahalaxmi is worshipped. Left hand of Maa Sati had fallen at this Shaktipeeth.

Place: Malikaarjun , Hyderabad.

26) Mithila shaktipeeth , where Mahadevi / Uma and Mahodar is worshipped. Left Shoulder of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Janakpur.

27) Ratnawali shaktipeeth , where Devi Kumari is worshipped .Right shoulder of Maa Sati had Fallen here.

Place: Khanakul- kshirsagar- Hoogly West Bengal.

28) Prabhas Shaktipeeth , where Devi Chandrabhaga and Vakratund is worshipped.Stomach of Maa Sati Had fallen here.

Place: Girnar, Gujrat

29) Devi Talab mandir ,Jalandhar shaktipeeth , where Tripurmalinis and Bhairav is worshipped. Left Breast of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Jalandhar, Punjab.

30) Ramgiri shaktipeeth , where devi Shivani is worshipped. Right breast of Maa Sati had fallen at this place.

Place: Mehar , Madhya Pradesh.

31) Vaidyanath shaktipeeth or Hardpeeth , where Jay durge and Baidhnath is worshipped. Heart of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Vaidyanath dham, Bihar.

32) Kanyakashram shaktipeeth , where Sharwaani and Nimish is worshipped. Back of Maa Sati had fallen to this place.

Place: Kanyakumari.

33) Chattal shaktipeeth where Maa Bhawani and Chanrashekhar is worshipped . Right arm of Maa Sat had fallen to this place.

Place: Chatgong.

34) Manivedika Shaktipeeth , where devi Gayatri and Sarvanand is worshipped. Two Bracelets of Maa Sati had Fallen to this place.

Place: Pushkar.

35) Manas shaktipeeth , where Daakshayani and Amar is worshipped. Right hand of Maa Sati had fallen at this place.

Place: Mansarovar, Tibet

36) Yashor shaktipeeth , wherer Yashoreshwari is worshipped. Left palm of Maa Sati Had Fallen here.

Place: Khulna Jaisaur

37) Prayag shaktipeeth at prayag where Devi Prayag or Lalita is worshipped. Hand and fingers of Maa Sati had fallen here.

38) Virja kshetra shaktipeeth , where Vimla devi and Jagananath is worshipped.Navel of Maa Sati ahd fallen at this place.

Place: Puri Orissa .

39) Kanchi Shaktipeeth , where Devi Devgarbha and Ruru is worshipped. Bones of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Kanchipuri.

40) Kaalmadhav shaktipeeth where Maa Kaali and Ashitanda is worshipped. Left buttock of Maa Sati fell to this place.

Place: Amarkantak , MP

41) Shon shaktipeeth , where Devi Narmada/Sonakshi , Lord Shiva as Bhairav Bhadrasen is worshipped . Whoever dies here , gets heaven after death. Ashes of Maa Sati Fell at this place.

Place: Amarkantak. MP

42) Nepal Shaktipeeth , where Goddess Mahamaya/Mahashira and Kapali is worshipped. Both knees ,of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Nepal.

43) Magadh shaktipeeth , where Sarwanandkari devi is worshipped. Eyes of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Patna.

44) Tripura shaktipeeth , where Tripursundari is worshipped. Right leg of Maa Sati Had fallen to this place.

Place: Tripura.

45) Trimaakh shaktipeeth where Maa Kapalini and Sarvanand is worshipped. Left Ankle of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Midnapur, Bengal

46) Kurukshetra Shaktipeeth where Maa Savitri is worshipped. Ankle bone of Maa Sati had fallen to this place.

47) Lanka shaktipeeth where Maa Sinhal / Maa Trikonmali is worshipped. Payal of Maa Sati is Fallen here.

Place: Trikonmali

48) Yugada shaktipeeth , where bhootdhaatri is worshipped. Right feet , Big toe had fallen here.

Place: Bardwaan.

49) Virat/ birat shaktipeeth , where Ambika devi and Amriteshwar is worshipped.Left feet fingers of Maa Sati had fallen to this place.

Place: Bharatpur, Jaipur, Rajashtan

50) Karnaat shaktipeeth , where Maa Jaydurge and Abhiru is worshipped. Both Ears of Maa Sati had fallen to this place.

Place: Karnataka.

51) Ujjaini shaktipeeth , where devi Mangala/ Mangal Chandika is worshipped. Right Wrist of Maa Sati had fallen here.

Place: Ujjain

52) Bhairav Parwat Shaktipeeth , where devi Awanti and Bhairav Lambkarna is worshipped. Upper lips o Maa Sati had fallen at this place.

Place: Ujjain.

These are 52 shaktipeeth which are full of divine energies and devotees do come here to get blessings and power to make their life successful.

May goddess bless everyone and protect everyone always.



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