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Method to calculate Navamsh of the planets


We know that each sign is 30 degrees and when divided by 9 Navamsha means 9 divisions , the unit part will be 3.33 degrees. Each of these units is a distinct navamsa and can be labeled from 1 through to 9.

Aries has 9 divisions Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer , Leo , Virgo , Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius ,

For taurus first navamsha is CAPRIORN,

For Gemini its Libra

and for Cancer its cancer itself.

The pattern will repeat for Leo - Aries first Navamsha

Virgo - Capricorn as First Navamsha

Libra as Libra first navamsha

and scorpio , first Navamsha is CANCER.

above calculation can be summerised as :

a. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius — the first navamsa will be Aries, b. Tauras, Virgo and Capricorn — the first navamsa will be Capricorn, c. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius — the first navamsa will be Libra, d. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces — the first navamsa will be Cancer

Say, for example, Moon is 5 degrees in the sign of Pisces , then it will occupy the second navamsa of Cancer which is leo ( as 3.3 degrees is first navamsha , above 3.3 is second navamsha)

eg: If planet is 20 degrees 55 minutes in cancer , 20.55 / 3.3 is 6.22 that is 7th navamsha for cancer , which is capricorn.



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