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Mahavtar Babaji , the Himalayan Mystic and Immortal light body kriya Master.


Babaji Nagaraj ,his birth name is Nagrajan , is a Mahavatar, Great Avatar, Supreme Paramahansa, Incarnation of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the Himalayan mystic as he resided for 100 of years in Himalayas. He is the Root-Guru of Adi Shankara and all the contemporary Shankaracharya Guru Lineages, Root-Guru of Kriya Yogis Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda, Neem Karoli Baba and countless others. He was a desciple of Bogarnathar .

At the age of 11 , he travelled with group of ascetics to kataragama, Sri Lanka. His Guru bhogarnathar inspired him to seek initition into kriya kundalini pranayam from Siddha Maharishi Agastya. For 18 months , he practised yogic kriya and attained self realization.

Mahavatar Babaji , when he was 15 , He travelled from place to place with sannyasis . he studied Vedas, Upanishad , Mahabharat, Ramayan and Bhagavad Gita and practised meditations.

Lahiri Mahasaya , gave him the title Mahavatar Babaji.



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