In lal kitab , the time of your birth decides lal kitab dasha. These timings are also used for performing remedies.
Morning 4 am to sunrise its time of KETU Planet Time.
Next 2 hours from sunrise is Jupiter Planaet Time.
Eg: If sunrise time is 6.47am.
Jupiter time: 6.47am to 8.47 am
Sun time: 8.47am to 10.47 am
Moon time: 10.47am to 12.47am
Mars time: 12.47am to 14.47
Venus time : 14.47 to 16.47
Mercury time: 16.47 to 18.47
Saturn time: 18.47 to 20.47
Rahu time: 20.47 to 4 am
If you are born at 1.33 pm that is 13.44 meaning your lal kitab dasha will start with Mars Dasha.
Mars for 6 years
Mercury 2 years
Saturn 6 years
Rahu 6 years
Ketu 2 years
Jupiter 6 years
Sun 2 years
Moon 1 year
Venus 3 years.
Above calculation is also used for performing remedies. Check the sunrise of the day you wish to perform remedies.
2 hours before sunrise is Ketu planet time , 2 hours after sunrise Jupiter, then Sun, Moon, Mars , venus, Mercury, Saturn, and night belongs to Rahu.
