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D2 chart Hora chart


There are only 2 horas in d2 chart. either cancer or leo.

1) If D2 has chandra hora - very easy for you to make money. its a very samuya graha to give money. Money from inheritance , business from inheritance,vehicles from boss , partnr etc.

2) If D2 hora chart has sun leo ascnendant - then its hard to earn money. Your have to struggle more to accumulate and manage money . Here efforts has to be more , one cannot expeect easy money. As

3) If more planets in chadra hora then its considered good.

4) Dasha and D2 chart : If you are running mahadasha antardasha of planet and that planet is in cancer hora you will earn money easily. and if planet is in sun hora , struggle will be there.

5) -  Sun placed in Moon’s hora : the native has comforts and wealth acquired by his own efforts. At the same time he will be dignified with feminine disposition. 

6) Sun placed in own hora : the native will be courageous, hardworking, does victorious deeds. - Moon placed in Sun hora: the native is troubled by females and enemies, does not have many friends and has low intelligence. 

7) Mars in Sun hora: brave, wealthy and persevering and is the beloved of all. 

8) Mercury in Moon hora – the person is famous and the spouse is chaste.

9)  Jupiter in Moon hora : the person will be noble and with good character. 

10)  Venus in Sun hora – will like to co-habit with low character women; and in Moon hora – the spouse will be a good woman. 

11)Saturn in Sun hora – will be a husband of a sterile woman; and in Moon hora – the person will be a henpecked husband. 

12) Malefic planets in Sun hora gives wealth and luxuries, will be dear to a king. 

13) A benefic in Moon hora makes a person affectionate and will enjoy comforts and luxuries

14) palnets are classified as day bali or night bali - day bali planets in chandra hora , becomes weak and night bali planets in suns hora become weak.

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