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Correspondence Courses

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

Correspondence Courses in Hindi , English Marathi.

We at Divine Touch provide correspondence courses  and also online courses on the below categories:

For correspondence courses email us at:, 8208740750, 7350007427,

Lessons and study material on specific theory of each course are sent by air mail, courier. The student is allowed a certain amount of time to study the lessons following which examination papers are mailed to the student.All the questions have to be solved and the answers sent to the centre for evaluation.after completion certificate will be provided.

Special doubt clearing sessions will be provided. And courses are in hindi and english , you can choose any stream.

Courses conducted in English/Hindi and Marathi.

Here are some of our online/correspondence  courses which are currently accepting registrations:

  1. Astrology basic and advanced

  2. Bach flower therapy

  3. Crystal therapy basic and advanced

  4. Dowsing

  5. Colour therapy

  6. Candle therapy

  7. Aroma therapy

  8. Numerology

  9. Vastu shastra classes

  10. KP astrology

  11. Nadi astrology

  12. Angel therapy

  13. Food as medicine

  14. Ramal vidya (urdu astrology)

  15. Activating and commanding crystals/gems

  16. Crystal ball gazing

  17. Voice and accent classes

  18. Graphology

  19. Runes

  20. Medical astrology

  21. Self hypnosis

  22. Sujog therapy

  23. Pranic healing

  24. Tarot reading

  25. Tarot spells

  26. Fairy therapy

  27. Aura healing

  28. Acupressure

  29. Meditation

  30. Lama phera

  31. Gemology

Students completing all the courses can register him /her as a registered practitioner and can start practicing anywhere. Many of our students are practising

all the courses  professionally and others have taken it as hobby and are doing research work.

To know more read our section under courses and contact us for more information

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