Angel Therapy Services
Angel card reading, angel board reading and angel dowsing can be a powerful tools for those seeking guidance in their life. Like Tarot card, angel cards can give insight into relationships, careers,health and finances while giving the recipient peace of mind and confidence in their decisions. These tools tap into Angelic presence to guide the recipient toward their best physical, mental, spiritual and emotional life. Readings may focus on a specific question or be more open-ended, simply honing in on a general aspect of life. They may also be effective methods of tuning into subconscious thoughts, emotions and visions that can also serve as guidance.
Asking the cards, board and dowser to reveal information about a specific question is a powerful method used in readings. Those seeking a reading should not expect to receive a simple yes or no answer; instead, the cards should be used to guide the recipient toward making decision. Questions should be specific but open-ended and focus on your own actions, not those of others. For example, do not ask how you can get your mother-in-law to move out; instead ask how you can work to change your relationship for the better. Keep and open mind to receive the full benefits of your angel readings.
More about Angels….
Different Angels work for different purpose, they guide you they support you in every way and they fulfill your desires. They serve you even for your smallest problems. Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person’s guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels. Everyone has guardian angels, and these angels perform God’s will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves to hear our angels’ messages, every aspect of our lives become more peaceful.
Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person’s guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels.
Everyone has guardian angels, and these angels perform God’s will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves to hear our angels’ messages, every aspect of our lives become more peaceful.
Join our course in Angel therapy to connect with Angels!