Course Details - Vedic Astrology
Course Duration: 6 months
Batches start: 1st of every month
5 days a week, 2 hrs a day
Sat-Sun: 5 hrs a day - for weekend batches Only
Detailed notes provided
Exercises included
Certificate: Yes
Course Contents:
Month 1
12 Planets in Astrology including uranus pluto and neptune
Colours of Planets
Friends and Enemies in Planets
Time Taken by Planets to travel Zodiac
Rahu Kaalam in Astrology
Zodiac Signs In Astrology
Lords of Zodiac Signs
Characteristics of Zodiac Signs
Panchang, tithi, vaar, nakshatra, yog and karan
Gems and Semi-precious Stones related to the Planets
Houses in Astrology
Classification of Houses, lucky unlucky houses
body parts and houses of astrology ( medical astrology)
Kundali type: dharam, moksha, artha, and kaam
Degrees of planets.
Month 2:
Uses Of Astrology
Lagna Kundali And Directions
12 Ascendants In Astrology
Malefic And Benefic Planets
Marak And Badhak
Personality, Finance
Marriage , Social Life Predictions
Property Through Astrology
Cure Whic Treatment
Foreign Settlement in Astrology
Career And Govt Support in Astrology
Bhavat bhavam
Month 3:
Divorce, Social Life, Friends, Enemies
Income And Expenses
Paksha Shukla And Krishna
Characteristics of rashis with nakshatras
Gandumool Nakshatras
Nakshatra and Name Of New Born Baby
Finding Ascendant Without Panchang
Planets In Different Houses
Planets In Different Rashis
Planets In Exaltion
Planets In Debilitation
Planets In Mool Trikon Rashi
Immediate and natural friends and enemies in planets.
Marak and markesh, Longevity
Month 4:
Digbala Of Planets.
Dasha Mahadasha Antardasha
Shash Yog Of Shani
Malviya Yog Of Shukra
Ruchak Yog Of Mangal
Kendrum Yog Of Chandra
Paap Kartari Yog
Guru Chandal Yog
Gajkesari Yog
Raj Yog
Sade Sati
Manglik Dosha
Kaal Saarp Yog
Hansa Yog of Guru
Retro Motion of Planets
Moon Rashi